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101 time trade ideas

  1. Fix someone’s fence.
  2. Pick up a prescription.
  3. Help dig a pond.
  4. Design a poster for a charity.
  5. Help move a sofa.
  6. Walk a dog.
  7. Count birds in your garden for a wild bird survey.
  8. Coach a sport for young people.
  9. Litter pick.
  10. Help with a school trip.
  11. Going to the tip? Offer to take your neighbours junk too.
  12. Going to the Post Office? See if anyone on your street needs something posting.
  13. Speak another language? Offer a lesson to a beginner.
  14. Offer some gardening advice.
  15. Offer some chicken keeping advice.
  16. Teach seagull impressions.
  17. Offer a coffee and a chat.
  18. Bake a cake for someone.
  19. Ask for assistance (asking is kind too).
  20. Mend someone’s holey socks jacket.
  21. Mow your neighbour’s lawn.
  22. Get someone’s shopping.
  23. Help make a bee hotel.
  24. Take part in a beach clean.
  25. Volunteer at a food bank.
  26. Give some constructive criticism.
  27. Offer advice.
  28. Help at a stables.
  29. Help organise a fayre.
  30. Help fix a neighbour’s leaky tap.
  31. Offer business mentoring.
  32. Share a new skill.
  33. Run a yoga class.
  34. Offer copy editing.
  35. Look after the school hamster
  36. Give someone a lift to an appointment.
  37. Give a neighbour’s kids a lift to school.
  38. Babysit.
  39. Fix a computer.
  40. Help search for a missing pet.
  41. Take Christmas trees to animal centres.
  42. Wash a car.
  43. Fix a bike.
  44. Volunteer at an event.
  45. Start a running group.
  46. Lend a ladder.
  47. Cook someone a casserole.
  48. Take someone on a picnic.
  49. Pet dogs, and pick up poop, at the dog shelter.
  50. Teach an instrument.
  51. Set a treasure hunt.
  52. Knit a scarf for a goldfish.
  53. Offer to drive.
  54. Bake someone a loaf of bread.
  55. Teach someone to bake bread.
  56. Put up a shelf.
  57. Bath a budgie.
  58. Invigilate an exam.
  59. Babysit someone’s allotment.
  60. Make someone a cream tea (jam first obvs).
  61. Help someone write a job application.
  62. Proof read someones resume / CV.
  63. Design someone a logo.
  64. Water a neighbour's plants.
  65. Do some charity fundraising.
  66. Work in a charity shop.
  67. Collect items for the local foodbank.
  68. Help someone get online.
  69. Give some professional advice.
  70. Volunteer as a beach lifeguard.
  71. Decorate a communal area.
  72. Be a car park attendant.
  73. Train to use the community defibrillator.
  74. Spruce up the local bus stop shelter.
  75. Clear the roads from debris after a storm.
  76. Build a bat box.
  77. Organise a business networking event.
  78. Manage a sports team.
  79. Volunteer as a translator.
  80. Help at an animal shelter.
  81. Train a guide dog.
  82. Be a mentor.
  83. Volunteer at a homeless centre.
  84. Tutor in a subject you're great at.
  85. Plant some trees.
  86. Organise a neighbourhood clean-up day.
  87. Hang out with elderly neighbours for a bit.
  88. Help maintain a community garden.
  89. Volunteer for a crisis hotline.
  90. Help at a hospital.
  91. Organise a community event.
  92. Save someone drowning in admin.
  93. Steward a park run.
  94. Be a techie for a non-techie
  95. Edit a video for face-tagram-tube-tok.
  96. Teach someone to sew.
  97. Help with family history research.
  98. Be a penpal.
  99. Be a dance partner for a beginner. Or non-beginner
  100. Start a board game club.
  101. Write a list of 101 kind time trading ideas. Phew. You're welcome!

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